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                                                  AUDI A7 CONNECT

One of the most impressive technologies displayed at CES 2013 is the cars that drive alone. While Google has been working on them for some time, Audi is showing a more stable than those already mentioned.

This is the Audi A7, which connects wirelessly to your phone and know your location, so the car is directed to you alone. To accomplish this, the parking lot should have a series of laser scanner that communicate wi-fi, so maintaining a comunicaciónn between the location of the car and driver.

Unlike cars that drive themselves to Google, this technology is strictly for short distances and minimum speeds, not recommended for long distances at high speeds, where if we saw the Google car that performed well.

The Audi because cars are not recommended for long journeys, it is because they use a technology called LIDAR, which senses light and distance and make a map of what lies around the car. Although the other cars that are handled by itself also use this technology, are designed for small spaces, but rather to open spaces. The bad and why Audi did not use the same technology as Google, it is because they would have to put an antenna on top of the car which makes it look anti aesthetic.

Audi still expects this type of car on the market within 10 years.

This really inspires me because i love cars, and the idea of using technology to develop or design the cars of the future is something that i have always been into, and now Audi brings the idea o a car that can drives itself by using some cameras and sensors its great for me. So i expect that this came true in the near future.

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